jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

8 Greatest Fears to Achieving Transformation Success

8 Greatest Fears to Achieving Transformation Success

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Stephen Adele reveals his surefire techniques for how to instantly turn any obstacle into a strategy for achieving success to finally build the body you deserve.
By Stephen Adele, Editor-in-Chief

muscle building, fat burning, fitness and weight training

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Have you ever had difficulty keeping a simple commitment to yourself? Sure. Nearly everyone I know has, sometime or another, found him or herself "trapped"—wanting to do something yet not acting on their intentions.

So why don't we do some of the things we want to or know we should—like improving our health and building a better body?

Let's say you keep putting off that new fitness program. You can even imagine what it might mean to you: having a firm, strong, healthy body; feeling an abundance of energy; newfound confidence and sex appeal... Still, you don't do it. So why do you keep putting it off? What's preventing you from taking those first steps?

Consider this... 

My observation is that our minds tend to see the obstacles first—those barriers that lie between where we are now and where we want to be or who we want to become. Just as fast as you conceive of achieving your new body, your mind begins to spout out every excuse it can come up with why you can't attain your goal. So even before we can initiate any action, we literally paralyze ourselves.

And once your head begins to fill with all the obstacles that could potentially keep you from achieving your newfound goal, suddenly your desire to even try is crushed.

But what if all the obstacles were removed?

Think about it for a moment: if whatever deterred you from attempting to build your very best body suddenly vanished, you'd have no fear to stop you, right?

What if I showed you how to take those obstacles and instantly transform them into strategies for achieving success... Would you consider starting, or sticking to, your new (or current) fitness plan then?

"... we can choose to transform those circumstances that oppose us into specific decisions and actions that can lead us to our goals."The truth is, we can choose to transform those circumstances that oppose us into specific decisions and actions that can lead us to our goals. True empowerment you can use to your advantage!

Let me explain...

The Breakthrough Technique
So how can we break through our fears, smash those barriers, and transform those obstacles into strategies for achieving our fitness goals? It's really quite simple—allow me to introduce you to the Breakthrough Technique. Here I've taken the eight most feared obstacles that potentially stand in the way of your success, followed by a very specific success strategy to blast through them and help you reach your fitness and physique development goals.

Are you ready? Great... let's get started!

Believe or not, individuals who achieve extraordinary levels of success have days just as hectic as ours. They've got obligations: commitments to work, friends, and family. And let's face it, we're all confined to an equal amount of time—the same 24 hours. Yet some people find the time to continually make exercise a part of their daily routine.

So how do they do it? Simple—they create it. You can instantly create time if you begin to plan, plan, and plan some more. That means planning your days ahead, at least a day in advance, sometimes even a week in advance. One of the best time-creating techniques is to make a list of your daily "to-dos" and schedule when you're going to exercise. (This is a common challenge—we forget how important it is to schedule an appointment with ourselves to exercise.)

Then divide your "to-dos" into things you must do and things you would like to do, so you're less likely to confuse urgency with importance. You see, getting to the gym is important, whereas getting your haircut may seem urgent when you're running late but can certainly be rescheduled. And before you do anything, always ask yourself what you could be doing that would be more productive.

Success Strategy #1: PLAN AHEAD. Creating the time you need to exercise is easy! Plan your days in advance by creating action lists of the most important things to accomplish each day.

Obstacle #2: I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Don't know what exercises to do to help you get the most out of your workouts? Not sure what to eat, when, to help you put on muscle and shed that unwanted bodyfat? And supplements, well, these can be downright confusing!

That's all understandable: there are just so many techniques, recommended by so many "fitness experts." So, whose advice can you trust? It can become paralyzing. So instead of trying to sort through all the (mis)information, stop right now: keep yourself from chasing every exercise theory or latest diet craze. But this doesn't sound like it will do us any good, does it?

So how do you find the answers? It's simple—model the success of others. For example, try our free programs like Maximum Growth, the Lean System Success Plan, or the 21-Day Energy Plan.

The greatest thing about success is that it leaves clues, and if we pay close attention, we can pick up those clues and model the actions and behaviors to produce similar results. Find people, whether in person or in a magazine, who have achieved the type of extraordinary success you wish to achieve, and find out what they did. It's really as easy as that.

"If you follow a proven approach to exercise, nutrition, and supplementation, you will achieve similar success."Success Strategy #2: STUDY A SUCCESSFUL FORMULA—AND FOLLOW IT. Seek someone who has achieved the "extraordinary" results you desire and learn from his or her "winning" actions. If you follow a proven approach to exercise, nutrition, and supplementation, you will achieve similar success.

Do you wake up every morning feeling energized, powerful, and ready to take on the day? Or do you rise feeling as tired as the night before, resenting that a new day has presented itself so soon? Do you fear your current energy levels would never allow you to participate in a fitness program?

This is a great example of the perceived problem—your lack of energy to exercise—being the ultimate solution. We might believe we're too exhausted to exercise, but in reality, we lack energy simply because we don't exercise!

It's been scientifically proven that incorporating exercise into our lives actually gives us more energy. Moderate levels of exercise can even help us sleep better at night, so we wake up renewed.

How else can you bolster energy levels?

As long as we feed ourselves with properly balanced protein- and carbohydrate-rich meals, we feel an immediate impact on our energy levels. The more closely we keep to our preferred eating strategy, the better we feel, period. Feeding our bodies every two to three hours throughout the day provides us with a stable, constant supply of nutrients required to be more energetic.

Success Strategy #3: GIVE YOUR ENERGY A BOOST. Exercise and proper nutrition play a vital role in our energy levels and allow us to perform at peak levels daily.

Goals come from having a clear vision of what you want. Knowing you want to build your very best body is great start, but you need something more than that—a statement so compelling it literally pulls you, like a magnet, in the direction of its achievement.

So, maybe you're not certain how to set effective goals? If that's you, then don't worry, everyone starts off this way... To really set effective fitness goals and ensure you'll reach them, you're going to have to learn what I call the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting technique. Not only will this technique enable you to set the most effective goals, it will help focus your efforts on exactly what you want to achieve.

S.M.A.R.T. stands for:

Specific—you must be specific about what you want to achieve, creating your goal in the present tense. That means using "I am in the process of..." to start your goal statement.
Measurable—how do you measure "better shape" or "slimmer waist"? You can't. So scale your goal to a specific number (e.g., 10% bodyfat, a 33-inch waist, or a size six).
Action-oriented—you must be able to create an action list of things you must do to achieve success.
Realistic—make certain your goal is realistic yet stretches you, given your expectations and timeframe.
Time-conscience—a date forces us to give it priority and puts positive pressure on you to achieve it.
Success Strategy #4: TRANSFORM YOUR FITNESS GOALS. Using the S.M.A.R.T. technique will ensure you've set an effective and commanding goal and will not only clarify your path to success but will compel you to achieve it.
The physical transformation that takes place on your outside (your body) is really a metaphor for the mental (inner) transformation that takes place on the inside. You see, not only should your chosen program change the way you look, it is just as important that it change the way you feel about yourself.

"...not only should your chosen program change the way you look, it is just as important that it change the way you feel about yourself."Every time we purchase the latest miracle pill, workout gadget, or eight-minute solution, we're just avoiding the process of a true transformation and trying to find a quick fix. This is nothing more than treating the symptoms and not the causes. It does nothing to improve our self-esteem, confidence, or personal power.

Let me share a little secret with you and save you time, money, and frustration: this approach never works. And you'll never feel a true sense of fulfillment when you try this type of "magic bullet" approach. Unless you start from the inside, you're sure to find yourself right back where you started, only more disappointed.

We must challenge ourselves to find a solution that involves total balance—a complete solution that integrates some very essential elements, such as proper nutrition and supplementation, cardiovascular and weight-training exercise, and most importantly, strengthening our inner self, our minds.

Your chosen program should help you set commanding goals, transform your old, self-defeating beliefs into new, empowering beliefs, and transform your patterns so you're continually producing results that take you closer to your goals.

Remember, you can't transform a lifetime of poor habits in matter of days. It takes time—a couple of months at best. Rest assured, following a solution that allows you to first transform your inside and then your outside is sure plan for long-term success.

Success Strategy #5: FOLLOW AN INSIDE-OUT APPROACH. To successfully transform your physique and achieve your fitness goals, follow an approach that focuses first on increasing your self-esteem and building confidence, before you concentrate on your physique, and you'll more likely be able to create extraordinary results that will last a lifetime.

There's a huge difference between intentions and action. And the difference is commitment.

Our commitment to our goals leads us to achievement, even during the toughest times. There is a direct relationship between motivation and commitment. And if you're really committed to making a change now, the only way to make it happen is to create a sense of immediate importance.

You can do this by attaching reasons that are so compelling and so intense you must follow through. So right now, ask yourself the following questions and come up with at least three intensely compelling reasons you must commit to your transformation goals.

What will this cost me if I don't change right now?
What has this cost me so far, concerning my health, physical condition, self-confidence, and energy levels?
If I do change now, how will I feel about myself?
How will this impact my life?
What will I gain as a result?"
Your answers to these questions will help you gain an immediate understanding of what you're committed to and why!

Success Strategy #6: IDENTIFY YOUR REASONS. Clearly state your reasons for wanting to change and make them so compelling you become truly committed to achieving your fitness goals.

Sometimes the accomplishment of our goals might seem so overwhelming, the immediate temptation is to give up before we even start—which diminishes our self-confidence even further. It's true. We can't gain confidence until we take action. Yet, we don't want to take action until our confidence levels are raised sufficiently. See the "catch"?

Take, for example, the intimidating obstacle of your entire fitness goal needing to be achieved in a giant, single step. Now that's paralyzing, isn't it?

"... to gain confidence, you must break your fitness goal down into measurable steps."That's why, to gain confidence, you must break your fitness goal down into measurable steps. For example, if you wanted to lose 12% bodyfat within 12 weeks, then you could realistically set your increments for one percent of bodyfat reduction per week. This way, you don't have to focus on the whole goal at any given time, nor do you notice all that you have not yet accomplished; instead you can focus entirely on the smaller, manageable steps ahead. This gives you a tremendous sense of control and achievement. Building your confidence, each step of the way.

By the time you are nearing the end of your first couple of weeks of your fitness program, despite the ups and downs in progress, you will begin to feel more confident. You will be determined to advance one more step and make the effort to complete your fitness program and build your very best body.

Suddenly, as the fear dissipates, you will discover newfound confidence. And best of all, you will have achieved what you once thought was impossible—one increment at a time.

Success Strategy #7: MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS. Success is accomplished only through measuring your progress, always from where you're coming from (backwards). This way, you will never lack a sense of accomplishment, and you'll build your confidence with each and every step.

So you need a source of motivation in your life—something to get you out of bed in the morning and carry you through the day?

One way is to continually "see" what you want to become by finding a picture of someone's physique you would most like to emulate (probably in your favorite fitness magazine), cut it out, and hang it someplace you're likely to see it over and over again throughout the day. You might even write down your reasons for wanting to achieve this goal with the photo.

By seeing the body you want to achieve in front of you all the time, you'll be pointing your subconscious toward the realization of these results. This constant source of inspiration is a reminder of where you are going. It's called bringing focus to the center of your awareness.

Success Strategy #8: FIND AN INSPIRATION. Discover your inspiration, someone who has turned his or her body and life from ordinary to extraordinary, and use that as your source of daily fuel. Look for inspiration in our Success Stories, such as David Silbaugh, Marina Popelka, and Mark Harden, who have each reached their goals and are now helping others do the same.

Final thoughts
Remember, building a better body does not follow an absolute straight line. Life doesn't work that way. But now that you've found the principle of turning literally any obstacle into a stepping stone for your success, you can create the fitness and physique results you so desire.

By committing to turning these once fearful obstacles into powerful success strategies, you will begin to create extraordinary results in your physique and ultimately achieve your fitness goals.


5 Keys to Success

5 Keys to Success

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Treating people with respect wins trust and develops lasting relationships. Here's what to do.

respect, communication, effective meetings, personal success

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Treating people with respect wins trust and develops lasting relationships. Here's what to do.

1) Be on time. In fact, arrive early for appointments and meetings. Plan time milestones in your daily schedule that tell you when to begin transferring to an appointment. That is, note when you will stop working on a task, begin collecting resource materials, and start traveling. Allow time for delays in travel, especially if driving. Consider: The fastest way to destroy people's trust in you is to waste their time.

2) Communicate with others. Answer your phone and return phone calls. Listen carefully and completely when people talk to you. Show an interest in others before telling about yourself. When making phone calls devote all of your attention to what the other person is saying (instead of time sharing with other tasks, such as checking e-mail or playing computer games). Phone others only when you can devote full attention to what the other person is saying. Consider: ignoring people is rude and unprofessional.

3) Plan projects. For example, always prepare an agenda for meetings. Contact key participants before the meeting to hear their views, solicit suggestions for agenda items, and coach them on how to prepare for the meeting. Send agendas far enough before the meeting so that people have time to prepare. Consider: Bad meetings demonstrate an inability to provide leadership.

4) Be courteous. Find the good in everyone. Compliment others. Avoid starting or listening to gossip. Never ridicule, insult, or make fun of other people. Use positive words, always speaking about what you want and how you want things to be. Avoid suggesting motives or assigning judgments for other people's actions and views. Consider: Discourtesy damages all relationships.

5) Help others. Be a mentor for newcomers. Share ideas. Teach people skills that will help them excel. Work with a spirit of abundance. Seek win/win results. Let others speak first, even on issues where you are an expert. Give first without attaching a receipt for return favors. Consider: Selfish people end up working harder.


miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

“If all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail”

"If all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail"

Word Count:

What stops us from releasing our passion. What stops us from behaving naturally. What makes us waste energy.

hammer,psychological,fear,passion,like,how do you

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We were watching the film Mulholland Drive yesterday and it suddenly hit us like a bolt of lightening. How many times we misdiagnose a situation. How many times we carry on a path not knowing that our assumption have taken us miles off course.

It's like playing golf and only knowing how to use three clubs and having to use them in every situation.

It's like looking through a camera zoom lens instead of a wide angle.

It's like blindly following another's opinion.

The fact is that most of our lives are spent reusing the information collected in our formative years. Thus, when anything new enters our arena we immediately go to the past to try to make sense of it.

The outcome is: we each live an illusion. We each see our world through some really heavily tinted spectacles. We each act as though we are a hammer and everything that comes in front of us is a nail.

The problem is. IT DOESN'T WORK.

We were amazed how easily we fell into the trap. How easily we interpreted what was happening before our eyes and made it logical. How easily we searched for closure.

To make us comfortable we wanted to put things into a comfortable category. We wanted to place happenings in a box in the same way a librarian codes books for easy access. Ah! That goes in the family box. That is rude behaviour. That is unacceptable in public. That shows he is uneducated etc etc etc…

Yes, you could argue that this form of coding is important in life because it helps us get through life quickly.
Why do we like to put ourselves and others into 'psychological boxes'?  What is it about us that we like to say we are this type of person or that? Why do we want to limit ourselves? Why do we want to sell ourselves short?

It's like being a carpenter who only has a hammer in his toolbox. We are restricting ourselves beyond belief. Just imagine how restricting it would be if you only had a hammer in your toolbox? How can you get passionate about anything if all you are capable of is knocking the brains out of any information that comes your way?

How do you find out what you were brought onto this planet to do if all you can do is respond in the same way to whatever is put in front of you.

How do you develop and grow your children if all they see is the same behaviour irrespective of the problem posed.

How do you rise to the challenges of our society if all you do is apply the same reasoning even though it doesn't fit?

As Howard Schatz. The famous New York dance photographer stated in one of his books:

"I told each dancer that when it was easy, it had probably been done
before, probably many times. I explained that only when it was so hard
that it was nearly impossible were we perhaps close to getting something
unique and extraordinary."

Is this why we like to categorise situations and people? We actually don't like hard work.

Is it that we don't like the pressure of being our true selves? Because to do that we have to stand out?

Is it that we can't cope with being unique and extraordinary, so we just want to be similar and ordinary?

Is it that we are afraid of who we might be? Are we afraid that we can be successful? Afraid that if we admit to ourselves that we have talent we might have to do something with our lives?

Is it that we don't really want to find out who we really are and what we are capable of?

We don't know about you but we want to be unique, we want to find out and use our uniqueness. We want to be fulfilled. We want to find our energy source that is released when we are doing what we are intended to do. We want to be in the flow, as some writers describe it.

We have come to realise that what stops us from being in the flow all the time. What stops us from releasing our passion. What stops us from behaving naturally. What makes us waste energy.


Fear keeps us placing people and situations into categories.

Fear stops us from leading ourselves.

Fear stops us from letting go of the past.

Fear keeps our habitual patterns in place.

Being frightened and feeling second best stop us from finding our true selves.

Fear buries the natural me.

"A musician must make music, and artists must paint,
a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
What a man can be, he must be"

What about you?

Good Luck



“11 Great Reasons why Smiling makes us More Successful!”

"11 Great Reasons why Smiling makes us More Successful!"

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When you realise the true benefits that everyone gains from a smile it is surprising that more people don't spend more of their time sharing them!

Similing, smile

Article Body:
First: Our smile shows others people that we are friendly.
If a stranger approached you and gained eye contact with you and then treated you to a broad smile you will have a fairly good idea that they are being friendly and certainly mean you no harm.

By contrast we would find it far more difficult to offer trust to the stranger that wears a scowl or unfriendly face features.

Second: A smile can make people happy.
When someone treats you to a smile, even a stranger, you usually smile back.  For that moment you enjoy a flash of positive communication without saying a word. As you walk through a crowed area such as a main street you can do this hundreds times in a very short period of time. 

When you smile at someone who is not already smiling and they smile back you have brought a moment of happiness into their lives which, who knows, could last all day.

Third: Smiling is infectious.
When you spend a lot in the company of someone who smiles a lot you will soon discover that their smile starts to wear off on you.  It is hard not to return a smile; most of us do it at a subliminal level without thinking.

Fourth: Smiling can make you popular.
Which type of people do you prefer? A person that has a tired and listless face. An expression that may reflect their inner thoughts of boredom and worry? Or, would you prefer someone who is always smiling and shows that they have an enthusiastic passion for life.

I think for the majority of us the choice would be obvious!

Fifth: Smiling can help you to make new friends
In the same way few of us would choice a miserable person for a friend. Lets face it we all want someone who is going to be bubbly and a happy and positive. 

Sixth: A smile is usually returned
When someone smiles back at you it make you feel good inside. You have just made a short but very positive communication and possibly the first step in the process of getting to know or making friends with someone new.

Seventh: Smiling makes you positive and happy inside.
When you smile it is hard to feel unhappy, negative or sad in anyway. Smiling gives you enthusiasm and drive, it is also habit forming.

Eight: A smile makes you look far more attractive.
You don't see many celebrities or media personalities that are not smiling because if you did it is fairly certain that their popularity would quickly start to drop!

Ninth: Smiling also helps make you memorable to others!
Have you noticed that smiling people are usually far more memorable than those that are not? It is fact that you are 3 time more likely to remember the person that is smiling over the one that is wearing a negative or neutral features.

Tenth: Most importantly, smiling is good for your health!!!
When you are smiling you find whatever you are doing far easier. It releases stress, worry and tension that you may have built up throughout the day. Long term, developing the smiling habit will be one of the smartest things that you can do to improve most aspects of your life.

Eleventh: The effects of smiling can last for hours
Whatever problems and challenges you have in your life, smiling temporary puts them and hold.  For a while you forget the problems and become positive, and while you are in a positive state you have far more potential and power to advance and improve your life.

Lastly: Smiling is FREE!
You are never going to run short of smiles and will always have enough to go around.  When you weigh up the positive points of smiling it is a no brainer decision to do far more smiling and share them with as many people as possible.

Keep smiling.


miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Making More Money From Home

Making More Money From Home

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The internet is a gold mine for all sorts of businesses. There are a lot of new companies who have job offers with stay at home option that means that you can stay at home and work and get paid loads of money. This is enticing for a lof of people because it gives one the sort of flexibility that is the dream of almost everyone. For new gradautes it is a comforting thought to work from home because usually a new graduate is not yet that keen in going mainstream and battling th...

business opportunity,how to make money,earn money

Article Body:
The internet is a gold mine for all sorts of businesses. There are a lot of new companies who have job offers with stay at home option that means that you can stay at home and work and get paid loads of money. This is enticing for a lof of people because it gives one the sort of flexibility that is the dream of almost everyone. For new gradautes it is a comforting thought to work from home because usually a new graduate is not yet that keen in going mainstream and battling the corporate world.

There are also those individuals who wis to pursue various work opportunities in order to make more money and one of the ways to achieve this is to work from home. Housewives who can mutli-task are also open to working from home that way they can still do house chores and at the same time make more money for the family. The internet makes it possible for all of these people to make their dreams possible.

Companies who offer jobs workign from home are not the only ways on how the internet can help one make more money. There are actually a lot more people who start their own business online. Popular websites enable us to sell and re-sell products or services online. If you want to do away with the garage sale then do the selling online by taking pictures of the things you want to sell and posting them online.

If you are a designer of web pages or clothes and you want to sell yourself online then work your way to coming up with a fabulous website that will showcase your works. Build an exceptional online portfolio and soon expect correspondence from people who are interested in hiring  you. The internet is a marketing tool that is cheap and accessible by almost every American. It is good then to take advantage of this and build your business around this powerful and global tool.

If you are not so sold into the idea of a business tied up with the internet then there is no problem with that. Take for example the business of catering. If you love cooking and have the time to cook for other people then take advantage of that. You can have a test run by inviting people to your house for a day of sampling. From then on you can start asking those who rave about the food you served if they want you to cater the next time they have a gathering.

Now if you are a musician, you can also gather some of your potential clients in your own home then stage a concert for them. While serving refreshments afterwards you can start saying that you are now open to offering your services for their future events. A more personal approach to businesses is good these days especially since there have been many cases of scams lately.

Use this personal approach. Make srue that youa re able to maintain the qualit of your products and services. Learn to say no to the right offers and no to even good offers that you cannot accommodate due to certain constraints. By practicing this, you are assured that your clients only get the best. If you still get more requests or orders then study the possibility of expanding and hiring people to help you.

Club de Ebooks con Derechos De Reventa + Softwa + PLR Private Label Rights


martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Myspace Networking vs. Creating A Stand Alone Web Site.

Myspace Networking vs. Creating A Stand Alone Web Site.

Word Count:

How do I create a web site? How do I start selling online?

How do I make money using the Internet? Is Internet Marketing Valid? People who know me and know that I'm a web developer and programmer ask me a lot of questions about web sites, web pages, HTML code, CSS, JavaScript code, ASP, PHP, Databases like MS SQL and MySQL.

One question I answer often is: Should I create my own web site or use a "free" site like MySpace? Sometimes instead of MySpace, it's the free web s...



Article Body:
How do I create a web site? How do I start selling online?

How do I make money using the Internet? Is Internet Marketing Valid? People who know me and know that I'm a web developer and programmer ask me a lot of questions about web sites, web pages, HTML code, CSS, JavaScript code, ASP, PHP, Databases like MS SQL and MySQL.

One question I answer often is: Should I create my own web site or use a "free" site like MySpace? Sometimes instead of MySpace, it's the free web space that comes with their ISP account they're asking about, but the question is really the same.

Establishing a web presence with a professional image requires your own web site and domain name. MySpace is awesome, however it's a social networking tool used to "network" or find people and stay in touch with them. Like most of the tools in your toolkit, it has a function and can be very useful. Use MySpace and other social networks as a marketing resource: to help people discover you or your business and lead them to your main web site.

If you are in business, or a serious amateur or hobbyist, you need your own web site. You can setup profiles on all of the social networking sites like MySpace and use those profiles to direct people to your web site. But you need your own web site and domain name. Each site like MySpace has rules and will sometimes delete accounts, either for breaking the rules, or by mistake. You don't want your only site on the Internet exposed to this kind of risk. In addition, you want to look as professional as you possibly can.

How do I get started? How do I start my own web site? I'll outline the steps.

1) Domain Names: You need to register a domain name. Select a name that is as short as possible and that reflects your site's function. There are sites on the Internet that you can use to help research this. Once you decide on a domain name that's available, you need to pay for it - this is called registering. You can register it for 1 year up to several years. I use registerFly.com for this. They also have a domain spinner tool that can help you find available domain names; you simply enter two words and the tool makes variations and combination of the names and checks their availability.

2) Web Hosting: You need to a place for your web site.

There are a lot of hosting providers you can choose from.

They all work in a similar fashion. You rent space on a web server and bandwidth (traffic to and from the server) by the month for your web site. Prices range from less than $20 per month all the way up to the sky depending on how much space and bandwidth you're using. I can recommend a hosting service if you need help selecting one.

3) Putting the domain name and hosting together: If you registered your domain name with a different service than the hosting provider, you'll have to tell the domain name registrar where your web site is hosted. You do this by telling the registrar the addresses of the "name servers" of the hosting facility. The hosting provider will usually configure your DNS (domain name server) records for you web site on their DNS server and you need to give the name server's address to the registrar of your domain name so that your domain name points to the correct DNS servers. It sounds complicated, but it's really not. If you registered with the same service that you're using for a hosting provider, then this is usually done for you.

4) Create the site: Finally, make your web site. You should spend some time researching popular web sites of the same type as the one you intend to build. This will give you a good idea of what works in that area. One of the keys to being successful in any area is to follow the lead of someone who's already successful. Find some successful sites by doing searches on Google, Yahoo, or MSN and looking at the top sites that are returned. Even if you have no experience making web sites, you can still create a very nice web site. I offer online courses for beginners on how to create web sites - see my info below for the link.

In a few hours you can have a very nice looking, functional web site.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about web sites, social networking sites like MySpace, and how to start your own web site.

Club de Ebooks con Derechos De Reventa + Softwa + PLR Private Label Rights


lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011


YOR Health: Maika Trigos Su Historia de Éxito

HISTORIAS DE EXITO - Brenda Cordovés

YOR Health: Paco Hernandez Su Historia de Éxito

Entiende Más Logra Más: ¡HISTORIAS DE ÉXITO!

New Footcare Product - Distributors Invited

New Footcare Product - Distributors Invited

Word Count:

Fabulous Products South Africa, owners of the FAB FEET EXFOLIATING SHOWER MAT AND BIO-GELS invite interested parties to tender proposals for distribution of the Fabulous Products.

Our feet take a hammering every day – they have to squeeze into tight shoes and tolerate pinching, dampness and chafing. As a result, feet fight back and become hard and cracked … and require some TLC!

Now, your customers too can have fabulous feet with the all new Proudly South African Fab Fe...

footcare feet exfoliate opportunity health shower podiatrist

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Fabulous Products South Africa, owners of the FAB FEET EXFOLIATING SHOWER MAT AND BIO-GELS invite interested parties to tender proposals for distribution of the Fabulous Products.

Our feet take a hammering every day – they have to squeeze into tight shoes and tolerate pinching, dampness and chafing. As a result, feet fight back and become hard and cracked … and require some TLC!

Now, your customers too can have fabulous feet with the all new Proudly South African Fab Feet Exfoliating Shower Mat and the eco-friendly biodegradable fragrant Fab Feet Bio-Gels.

The Fab Feet Exfoliating Shower Mat is non-slip and moulds to the shape of your feet during use. The mat's secret is it's organic, peach pip exfoliating surface; a layer of finely crushed peach shell speciality bonded to a 16 mm high performance soft, closed cell comfortable, insular non-slip base.

The organic peach granule exfoliating layer, in combination with the Bio-Gels, gently yet effectively clean, massage, invigorate and exfoliate your feet leaving them softer, smoother, healthier and refreshed.

The mat is unconditionally guaranteed for thirty days and the lifespan can extend well beyond this period dependent on the number and weight of the users and the extent to which weight and energy is focused on the mat.

The Fab Feet Bio-Gels have been formulated to be used with the Exfoliating Shower Mat to clean, protect and moisturise your feet. Because rough old skin is being gently removed, the Bio-Gels offer anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that leave your feet, the mat and your shower fresh and hygienically clean.

The gels, which are biodegradable, are packaged in 200 ml shower hook bottles for convenient hanging on your shower taps and are available in three fragrant essences: Refreshing Lavender, Soothing Tea Tree and Cooling Peppermint.

The Fab Feet Exfoliating Shower Mat and the Fab Feet Bio-Gels are available countrywide in South Africa - Dis-Chem Pharmacies, Alpha Pharmacies, Pick 'n Pay Hypermarkets and Game and Dions superstores.

Endorsed by leading podiatrists, these products make it easier to clean, exfoliate and care for your feet with fabulous results.

No more bouncing around on one foot, trying to keep your balance in the shower. Use these products everyday and your feet and your customers too will be fresher and healthier, feel smoother and softer and look absolutely fabulous!

Curso Domina Google - Youtube con Video Marketing con Derechos De Reventa


London Business inicio

London Business inicio

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¿Es usted un empresario en ciernes con un gran invento que crees que va a ser éxito de ventas del próximo año? ¿Tienes una idea para un nuevo negocio grande, pero no hay fondos para poner en marcha? ¿Quieres iniciar un negocio en marcha, pero no saben por dónde empezar? Si la respuesta es sí a cualquiera de estas preguntas, entonces hay algunas cosas importantes en que pensar y personas y empresas que le pueden ayudar.

Lo primero a tener en cuenta son la existencia de una demanda de sus productos o servicios ...

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Londres para iniciar una empresa, inversores privados

Cuerpo del artículo:
¿Es usted un empresario en ciernes con un gran invento que crees que va a ser éxito de ventas del próximo año? ¿Tienes una idea para un nuevo negocio grande, pero no hay fondos para poner en marcha? ¿Quieres iniciar un negocio en marcha, pero no saben por dónde empezar? Si la respuesta es sí a cualquiera de estas preguntas, entonces hay algunas cosas importantes en que pensar y personas y empresas que le pueden ayudar.

Lo primero a tener en cuenta son la existencia de una demanda de sus productos o servicios. La forma de averiguarlo es hacer una investigación. Echa un vistazo y ver si hay otras empresas que ofrecen el mismo servicio o productos. Si usted está ofreciendo un servicio que es local, entonces usted necesita para ver lo que los competidores que tiene y cómo puede ir sobre la cada vez más éxito que los negocios ya establecidos. Si su área de negocio es muy competitivo, entonces usted necesita un buen plan de negocios para hacer su negocio más atractivo para los posibles clientes y más competitiva. Valdría la pena hablar con algunas empresas que tienen experiencia dentro de su área. Sería conveniente escuchar a ellos, ya que debe ofrecer un buen consejo.

El financiamiento es otra cuestión importante. ¿Tiene la financiación necesaria? Todas las empresas que están poniendo en marcha necesita una inyección de dinero en efectivo. Usted podría conseguir su auto un préstamo, pero las compañías de préstamos pueden ser los tiburones y que hay que tener cuidado. Hay empresas que ofrecen préstamos para empresas nuevas que tienen una tasa de interés menor que podría ser más apropiado.

Hay otros temas como impuestos, Seguridad Social y el IVA. Todo puede ser un poco confuso y estresante. Si eres nuevo en el negocio, entonces todos estos aspectos podrían ser bastante abrumador. Entonces, ¿qué puede hacer usted? Usted puede investigar en todos estos ámbitos, pasar horas al teléfono hablando con las diferentes organizaciones o puede ponerse en contacto con una empresa que se especializan en ayudar a las empresas para poner en marcha. Business angels o consultores de empresas son probablemente la mejor manera de conseguir toda la ayuda que necesita. Una buena compañía le ofrecerá un buen consejo y te fuera en la dirección correcta. Muchas compañías tienen los inversionistas y las personas con una gran cantidad de dinero que podría estar dispuesto a invertir en su empresa.

Ir solo es incorrecto. Un amigo mío fue a la universidad y en su último año inventó un producto único. Ganó varios premios, y fue desviado a ser millonario. Fue en una serie de programas de televisión y la prensa local, la entrevistó y todo parecía muy próspero. Pidió prestado miles de libras y establecer su negocio y listos para concurrir en el mundo. Desafortunadamente dentro de los 3 años, el negocio fracasó y ella se fue a la quiebra. Si hubiera seguido el consejo de los profesionales involucrados y un business angel que podría haber ayudado a crear un plan de negocios realista y una estrategia que bien podría haber sido el millonario que se esperaba.

Así que mi consejo es simple, obtener asesoramiento profesional, escuchar y creer lo que están diciendo. Use un ángel de la empresa u organización profesional que cubra todos los aspectos de iniciar un pequeño negocio para arriba.

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jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Not All Domain Names Are Created Equal

Not All Domain Names Are Created Equal

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Choose the right domain name and your business is one step ahead of competition. Get it wrong and you will get left behind. It's as simple as that.

Domain names are fundamental to the ranking of your website in the search engines. And the search engines will account for 90% of the traffic that arrives at your site. You need traffic. Afterall a website without traffic is like a shop empty of any customers.

So give the choice of domain a lot of thought. It actually acco...

domain name, domain registration, marketing

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Choose the right domain name and your business is one step ahead of competition. Get it wrong and you will get left behind. It's as simple as that.

Domain names are fundamental to the ranking of your website in the search engines. And the search engines will account for 90% of the traffic that arrives at your site. You need traffic. Afterall a website without traffic is like a shop empty of any customers.

So give the choice of domain a lot of thought. It actually accounts for more than 20% of the factors a search engine considers when ranking your site. In other words get the domain right and you will rank higher and get more traffic...get it wrong and you will be making work for yourself trying harder to get the domain noticed in the search engine listings.

So where to start.

First and foremost, you need to know your target market. What is the nature of your business. Boil it down to one single word. Any business can be decribed in just one word. What is yours? Don't try to describe your business in 2 words or a phrase. Think again and get it down to one single word...it can be done.

Then find a domain that contains this single keyword. But why make one up when you can find one that may already has a search engine listing or at least some back links to it

You can find some really great ideas, and absolute bargains by registering an expired domain name. An expired domain is one which the previous registrant has neglected and for whatever reason has decined to re-register. Expired domains can be a real goldmine! A good resource for expired domains and one which I use myself is 'Deleted Domains' at:

You can search for domains which have expired within the last 24 hours, last week, or within the 30 or 60 days and which are available to register. The advantage of a deleted domain is that it may already have a search engine presence and if you are really lucky you may find one with a ton of back links to immediately kick-start your search engine marketing.

Search for a domain containing your keyword and as few other extra letters as possible. The shorter the domain the better. And keep away from hyphens and numbers. Regardless what you hear on the forums, hyphens and numbers do not help search engine ranking. In fact you want as few charaters as possible. The most important being your actual keyword itself and a .com ending.

So remember, all domain names are NOT created equal when it comes to search engine ranking.

Video Curso Inicia En Wordpress Como Hacer Blogs con Derechos de Reventa



Not All Franchise Opportunities Are Created Equal

Not All Franchise Opportunities Are Created Equal

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If you're looking at purchasing a franchise opportunity, but have been overwhelmed by what's available, then you will want to read this article.  We will discuss how to evaluate each franchise in compare it with other opportunities available to determine which one is right for you.  After reading this article, you should have enough information to make a more sound decision in investing in a franchise opportunity.

Some franchises are profitable no matter where you put them...

franchise, franchise opportunities, business owner, new franchise, low cost franchise

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If you're looking at purchasing a franchise opportunity, but have been overwhelmed by what's available, then you will want to read this article.  We will discuss how to evaluate each franchise in compare it with other opportunities available to determine which one is right for you.  After reading this article, you should have enough information to make a more sound decision in investing in a franchise opportunity.

Some franchises are profitable no matter where you put them, and others are unprofitable even in the best locations.  Usually, most franchises fall between these two extremes.  But it's wise to know if a franchise opportunity has a profitable business model, and what locations it is best placed it in.  First, you want to make sure the franchise opportunity has a proven track record of success in multiple locations, to show adaptability.  Second, you want to isolate the demographics and psychographics involved with franchise opportunity, and compare them with the area in which you will use the franchise.  If you're not confident from your research that you'll make a profit, skip the franchise opportunity and go onto the next one.

Also, even if you find a hot franchise that works perfectly in your location, it still doesn't mean it's a good franchise opportunity to invest in.  Before purchasing any franchise opportunity, you have to enter into what is called a franchise agreement.  In the franchise agreement it will cover all your rights you have as far as what products you can sell, how you can set up a store, where you can locate at and how you can use the franchise's name.  In an agreement there is also a specified amount for the franchise fee.  If your rights are being squeezed, or if the franchise free is extremely high and unreasonable, you must skip it and move on.

There are many factors to take into consideration before investing in a opportunity that cannot be revered.  After you sign the franchise agreement, you are stuck with the decision you made.  Chances are, this is the largest investment outside of your home that you've ever made in your life.  You need to be completely sure that what is in promotional and marketing material is outlined in the UFOC.  Market research is another factor that you need to make sure you have covered.  The worse mistake a franchisor can make is get into a market that will not perform well in that franchisors geographic area.  Ask any experienced franchisee and they will tell you the same thing "Location location location!"  Location and the industry you are in is 99% of the game in choosing the right franchise opportunity.

Finally, the best franchises are those that suit your experience and personality.  Before choosing any franchise opportunity, it's best to sit down and make a list of all the skills and experiences you have two days you in business, and those which can hinder your progress.  Now you'll know how to analyze franchise opportunities based on your own personal strengths and weaknesses.

Video Curso Inicia En Wordpress Como Hacer Blogs con Derechos de Reventa



Hacer dinero vendiendo productos de otras personas

Hacer dinero vendiendo productos de otras personas

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Una gran cantidad de personas están entrando en negocios en línea y marketing online ya sea para complementar su "mundo real" de ingresos o para que se convierta en su principal fuente de ingresos. ¿Por qué? Porque la comercialización en línea sólo les ofrece un montón de beneficios!

En primer lugar, se puede llegar a casi todo el mundo en el mundo que tiene acceso a Internet si el mercado sus productos en línea. Eso significa un mercado más amplio para usted, que puede traducirse en mayores beneficios. En segundo lugar, la creación de un negocio en línea requiere ...

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Cuerpo del artículo:
Una gran cantidad de personas están entrando en negocios en línea y marketing online ya sea para complementar su "mundo real" de ingresos o para que se convierta en su principal fuente de ingresos. ¿Por qué? Porque la comercialización en línea sólo les ofrece un montón de beneficios!

En primer lugar, se puede llegar a casi todo el mundo en el mundo que tiene acceso a Internet si el mercado sus productos en línea. Eso significa un mercado más amplio para usted, que puede traducirse en mayores beneficios. En segundo lugar, la creación de un negocio en línea requiere sólo una fracción del costo necesario para crear un establecimiento comercial real, lo que significa una gran cantidad de ahorro para la empresa.

Otro aspecto que ha atraído a mucha gente hacia el marketing online es el hecho de que uno no tiene que tener sus propios productos para comenzar. En el marketing online, se puede empezar a hacer un montón de dinero sólo vendiendo, o incluso tratando de vender productos de otras personas. Y para empezar con este tipo de estrategia de marketing es en realidad bastante fácil. Todo lo que uno tiene que hacer es establecer un acuerdo con una tienda online o comercio, y después de todo está resuelto, uno puede inmediatamente empezar a ganar dinero mediante la venta de los comerciantes o los productos de la tienda.

Por cierto, el método más popular y de más rápido crecimiento de venta en línea de los demás productos de marketing de afiliados. El marketing de afiliación, en su definición más simple, es una relación entre un comerciante en línea o minorista, que tiene productos para vender, y sus afiliados, que están dispuestos a promover el producto del comerciante en su sitio web.

En una filial de comercialización típica establecido, el comerciante ofrece sus afiliados con banners y anuncios de texto que enlaza con su sitio. Los afiliados continuación, obtener este tipo de anuncios publicados en su página web y se les paga cada vez que el tráfico o las ventas se dirige al sitio web del comerciante. Afiliados se les paga en base a una comisión, aunque otros comerciantes en línea que optan por pagar una cuota fija por la compensación del afiliado.

De empezar a hacer dinero en línea con la comercialización del afiliado es relativamente fácil y rápido. Todo lo que uno tiene que hacer es registrarse como afiliado de una empresa en línea que ofrece programas de afiliados. Un método alternativo, y por lo general una vida más fácil, es registrarse como miembro de una red de afiliados, una red que aloja una variedad de programas de afiliación para los diferentes comercios en línea o minoristas. Registrarse es gratis por lo general, aunque otras empresas y redes pueden requerir que usted pague una tasa específica. Estas tasas, sin embargo, se hizo como pago por los servicios adicionales que la empresa pueda prestar, como el que le proporciona las herramientas y la asistencia para poner en marcha su negocio en línea.

Cuando usted se inscribe con un programa de marketing de afiliados, que suelen ser necesarios para llenar un formulario con su información personal. Algunos programas de afiliados también pueden requerir que usted presente la dirección URL de su sitio web y describir su contenido. Esto permitirá a los minoristas para verificar que usted realmente tiene un sitio web con contenidos que son relevantes para sus productos. Algunos programas de afiliados, sin embargo, no se requiere que usted tenga un sitio web. Después de llenar la forma y todo, entonces se les permite elegir los programas de afiliación que desea promover.

Después de firmar con un programa de afiliados y ser un afiliado actual, que ahora está listo para comenzar a hacer un montón de dinero con la venta en línea de los demás productos. ¿Cómo hacer dinero? En realidad, hay varias maneras para que usted pueda ganar dinero como afiliado, y la mayoría de estas formas depende del tipo de programa de marketing de afiliación que te has metido.

Muchos programas de marketing de afiliación compensar a sus afiliados en cualquiera de tres maneras: pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-venta (PPS), o el pago por plomo (PPL). En el marketing de afiliación de pago por clic, el afiliado se paga cada vez que dirige el tráfico al sitio del comerciante. PPS y programas de marketing de afiliación PPL trabajan de manera distinta. En el SPP, el afiliado sólo se paga cuando su referencia se convierte en una venta real. En los típicos programas de afiliados PPS, el afiliado por lo general se obtenga un 15% a 20% de comisión por cada conversión. PPL programas de afiliados de trabajo de la misma manera, aunque los afiliados se les paga una cuota fija cada vez que su recomendación se convierte en una ventaja para la empresa.

Algunos programas de marketing de afiliación son de dos niveles de programas, en donde también es la filial permitido recomendar a otros afiliados al comerciante. En los programas de afiliados como, el afiliado no sólo se pagaría por el tráfico o las ventas que se dirigiría al sitio del comerciante, sino también para el tráfico o las ventas dirigido por los afiliados que se inscribieron en el programa a través de su recomendación.

Sin embargo, otra forma de ganar más beneficios con la comercialización del afiliado es a través de programas de afiliación residual. Los programas de afiliados son residual programas de afiliación que se le paga al afiliado un número de veces durante el tiempo que el comerciante mantiene el cliente de la filial se ha referido a su sitio. Una forma de programa residual llega al afiliado paga una comisión cada vez que presente el cliente compra algo en el sitio del comerciante. Otra forma de programa de afiliados residuales recibe el afiliado paga un porcentaje cada mes durante el tiempo que la empresa mantiene el cliente.

Con una gran cantidad de opciones disponibles y un montón de maneras de ganar dinero, marketing de afiliados es sin duda el más popular y la forma más fácil de ganar dinero vendiendo productos de otras personas en línea. En cuanto a la cantidad de dinero se puede obtener de la comercialización del afiliado en realidad depende de la filial. Una filial dedicada y trabajadora sin duda tendría más del programa en comparación con los afiliados que simplemente regístrate y olvidar el programa más adelante.


miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Making Money On The Web: The Truth Revealed

Making Money On The Web: The Truth Revealed

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I am an avid internet user; I love the fact that there is information on almost any topic that you could think of at the tips of your fingers. Through my journeys on the information highway, I have several times come across "Make money on the internet!" "Free and easy program, make over $2100 a day". They trickled in slowly, but lately I have noticed them more and more. Ads, banners, and junk e-mail as far as the eye can see filled with promises of making huge amounts of mone...

work at home, internet, business opportunity, internet work, WAHM,

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I am an avid internet user; I love the fact that there is information on almost any topic that you could think of at the tips of your fingers. Through my journeys on the information highway, I have several times come across "Make money on the internet!" "Free and easy program, make over $2100 a day". They trickled in slowly, but lately I have noticed them more and more. Ads, banners, and junk e-mail as far as the eye can see filled with promises of making huge amounts of money, working part time hours from home.

So what is the truth? What is a scam and what is legitimate work that you can make real money with? Through some countless hours I have found some answers and insight into making money on line. First of all, if you are looking for something totally free, no money at all; then keep looking with even the most legit opportunities cost something to start up. Secondly, going into any business venture looking to "get-rich-quick" is unrealistic, everything takes time. Do not think that you are going to be able to retire in a few weeks, it rarely if ever happens that way.

So, you decide you want to give working on the internet a shot. There are a few things to remember. Most of what people are selling is information. There are thousands of the same sites out there that have self-created themselves as middlemen. For example, there are a lot of ads to earn money taking surveys. They advertise on average of $25 per survey that you complete. They charge anywhere from $10-$60 for a one time membership fee. But, what they do not tell you often times or bury in the fine print is that all they do is give you some tips to making money with surveys and a listing of survey sites. They do not pay you, they do not give you the surveys, and they more or less just point you in the right direction. If you keep digging a bit through the search engines you can find several free sites that offer critiques and listing of the best survey sites that pay out money. Most of the survey site, if not all offers free membership to take surveys.

Most of the data entry jobs that I looked into were all about the same things…..placing ads. You pay a company anywhere from $30-$200 for them to tell you how to place pay-per-click ads. The deal with these companies is that that they are so vague, like many of the companies out there, that there is no way for you to know that all they do is give you directions and by the way most of the pay per click site have their own directions that are exactly those that the company's sell you. They also advertise that they give you access to a catalog of employers seeking data entry. What they do not tell you is that they give you a link to a FREE catalog that anyone can get by joining a site for FREE.

Say you get frustrated trying to wade through all the information, you decide to break down and pay for one of the sites that is suppose to have all the secrets. Here are a few recommendations:

1) Shop around. Often times there are 50 sites that are all selling the same thing. I ran across countless sites that were identical in appearance and text, they all where selling the same information. The highest price was $199 and the lowest was $49, chances are there is a lower price out there if you keep looking.

2) Exhaust all the free information that is out there. There are free sites or every very low priced membership. I found several site that were under $10 for membership. If you decide to pay for a membership make sure you know what you are getting with your membership and then compare to other similar sites.

3) If you have questions as to what you will get with your membership or for the price that you are paying…ASK. Most sites have a "contact us" link, use it. If they can not answer your questions directly or continue to be too vague, chances they are not selling anything new that someone couldn't find themselves.

4) Educate yourself. Do a search engine search on "data entry scams", it will usually pull up articles, customer/member feedback and other free information, so you can find the right choice for you.

There are some legitimate ways to make money out there, take some time and research your options. Look for sites that offer free or reduced membership trials so you can decide if it is worth what they are asking. Also, look for programs or member sites that offer a money back guarantee and find out what the refund policy is.

If you are in pursuit of making money on the internet, you can be successful by remembering that the old adage "if it's too good to be true, then it usually is" still rings true; even in this high tech virtual world that everyone is plugged into.

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